Catherine De Wolf at Stanford, UC Berkeley, Architectural Record, Princeton, Yale, Harvard, and MIT

Prof. Catherine De Wolf is scheduled for a series of academic and public talks across the United States, spotlighting the CEA lab's research on circular construction. The talks aim to spark conversations and collaborations around digital transformation towards regenerative design and circular construction

Portrait Prof. De Wolf

On October 23, Prof. Catherine De Wolf starts her journey in San Francisco, where she’ll be sharing the lab's work at Stanford University in the morning - reconnecting with CEA lab alumni external page Prof. Iro Armeni - now Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and a Robert N. Noyce Family Faculty Fellow. Her evening will be spent at external page UC Berkeley's College of Environmental Design - reconnecting with fellow MIT alumni external page Prof. Paul Mayencourt.

Next, Prof. De Wolf is scheduled to give a talk at external page Architectural Record's Innovation Conference on the 26th of October at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York, NY, an event focused on the convergence of creativity, design, and technology, followed by a visit the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at external page Columbia University on the 27th.

external page Princeton University will welcome Prof. De Wolf on October 30 as part of the Princeton School of Architecture Fall 2023 Lecture Series. Next, Yale University will provide a platform for discussions on October 31st.

From November 1-3, Prof. De Wolf will be in Boston. She’ll be at Harvard University on the 2nd for a talk at the external page Harvard Center for Green Buildings and Cities and MIT on the 3rd, where she’ll be sharing her lab’s findings and exploring potential pathways for the practical implementation of circular construction methods.

The Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture (CEA) develops research on matching reused architectural materials with people and projects through digitalization for a circular built environment. For more information visit our webpage.

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